PART ONE: Designer Ralph Koltai speaks of his career spanning 67 years
8th May 2017

INTERVIEW: RALPH KOLTAI. Theatre designer Ralph Koltai has been a leader in his field for 67 years, influencing generations of designers in theatre and opera. In this interview with TheatreVOICE’s Heather Neill, Koltai looks back over a distinguished career, encompassing innovation and controversy. This is Part One of a two-part interview recorded at the Victoria and Albert Museum on 14 March 2017.
“Whatever talent I had, it was instinct; I’ve never made a decision. I often arrive at the resolution by accident. The talent that I have is to recognise the accident when it happens.”
“Never ask the director what he/she wants. Say: “what shall we do?” and concentrate on the performers so that the attention of the audience is focused on the performers.”