Audio: 20th-Century Drama
Playwright Ronald Harwood appreciates Donald Wolfit (2/2)
8th May 2012
DONALD WOLFIT SPECIAL (2/2) Playwright Sir Ronald Harwood, biographer of legendary actor-manager Sir Donald Wolfit and a former member of his company,...
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Polymath playwright Philip Ridley discusses his work
17th February 2012
INTERVIEW: PHILIP RIDLEY The playwright talks to Aleks Sierz about the first London revival of his 1991 classic, The Pitchfork Disney (currently at th...
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West End Review: July 2011 (2/2)
31st July 2011
WEST END REVIEW (2/2) Mark Shenton (Sunday Express) and his guests David Benedict (Variety), Charles Spencer (Daily Telegraph), and Matt Wolf (Interna...
Listen nowin 20th-Century Drama, Reviews and Roundtables, Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama
Arnold Wesker reads two letters from Terence Rattigan
18th June 2011
WESKER EXCLUSIVE Sir Arnold Wesker reads private letters from Terence Rattigan. Currently enjoying the successful revival of his play Chicken Soup wit...
Listen nowin 1950s Drama, 20th-Century Drama, Playwrights, Theatre People
West End Review: April 2011 (2/2)
25th April 2011
WEST END REVIEW Mark Shenton (Sunday Express) and his guests David Benedict (Variety), Libby Purvis (Times) and Matt Wolf (International Herald Tribun...
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Simon Callow on Twelfth Night and Sir Toby Belch
18th February 2011
SHAKESPEARE: TWELFTH NIGHT Heather Neill talks to the award-winning veteran actor and author Simon Callow about playing Sir Toby Belch for 80-year-old...
Listen nowin 20th-Century Drama, Actors and Performers, Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama
Director Ian Rickson discusses Lillian Hellman
17th February 2011
INTERVIEW: IAN RICKSON The director talks to Carole Woddis about his hit West End production of Lillian Hellman's The Children's Hour (Comedy Theatre)...
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Noel Coward at the Rose Theatre, Kingston
8th October 2010
INTERVIEW: STEPHEN UNWIN The artistic director of the Rose Theatre in Kingston talks to Aleks Sierz about his well-received revival of Noel Coward's 1...
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Dublin Theatre Festival – a quick guide to work in 2010
2nd October 2010
INTERVIEW: LOUGHLIN DEEGAN The director of the Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival talks to Dominic Cavendish about the 2010 programme, which features...
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