Audio tagged with: Aleks Sierz
Reputations: Martin Crimp (2/2)
13th May 2005
REPUTATIONS: MARTIN CRIMP (2/2) Lindsay Posner, Dan Rebellato, Auriol Smith and Anne Tipton conclude their reflections on Crimp's varied body of work....
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Reputations: Martin Crimp (1/2)
13th May 2005
REPUTATIONS: MARTIN CRIMP (1/2) Lindsay Posner, Dan Rebellato, Auriol Smith and Anne Tipton begin their comprehensive survey of Crimp's formidable dra...
Listen nowin London Fringe, New Writing, Playwrights, Reviews and Roundtables, Transcripts
The Theatrevoice Debate: New Writing (2/3)
28th May 2004
DEBATE: NEW WRITING (2/3) Richard Bean, Mark Ravenhill and Simon Stephens consider the impact, or otherwise, of Blair and 9/11. Aleks Sierz hosts. Rec...
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The Theatrevoice Debate: New Writing (1/3)
28th May 2004
DEBATE: NEW WRITING (1/2) Playwrights Richard Bean, Mark Ravenhill and Simon Stephens take the measure of the new writing scene. Aleks Sierz hosts. Re...
Listen nowin New Writing, Playwrights, Reviews and Roundtables, Transcripts
The Theatrevoice Debate: New Writing (3/3)
28th May 2004
DEBATE: NEW WRITING (3/3) Q&A: Richard Bean, Simon Stephens and Mark Ravenhill answer questions, including: whatever happened to in-yer-face theat...
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Political playwright David Edgar takes a stand
13th February 2004
INTERVIEW: DAVID EDGAR The political playwright talks to Aleks Sierz about his two-play cycle, Continental Divide, which boldly takes the measure of U...
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Single-sex casting in Shakespeare
27th September 2003
SHAKESPEARE: SINGLE-SEX CASTING There's a lot of it about but is it any good? David Benedict, Aleks Sierz and Carole Woddis lay the trend bare. Patric...
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Red Room debate on political theatre
26th September 2003
DEBATE: POLITICAL THEATRE Lisa Goldman, artistic director of the Red Room, joins Aleks Sierz and Carole Woddis to talk politics. Dominic Cavendish hos...
Listen nowin Directors, Feminism, New Writing, Reviews and Roundtables, Transcripts