Audio tagged with: Caryl Churchill
Reputations: Caryl Churchill (2/2)
8th April 2005
REPUTATIONS: CARYL CHURCHILL (2/2) Linda Bassett, Graham Cowley, Deborah Findlay and Rick Fisher continue to pool their thoughts on Churchill plays an...
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Reputations: Caryl Churchill (1/2)
8th April 2005
REPUTATIONS: CARYL CHURCHILL (1/2) Linda Bassett, Graham Cowley, Deborah Findlay and Rick Fisher begin to pool some thoughts on Churchill plays and pr...
Listen nowin Feminism, New Writing, Playwrights, Reviews and Roundtables
Interview with Out of Joint’s Max Stafford-Clark
9th January 2004
INTERVIEW: MAX STAFFORD-CLARK The artistic director of Out of Joint talks to David Benedict about The Permanent Way by David Hare and the genre of doc...
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