David Eldridge
in 21st-Century Drama, Playwrights
7th December 2017

INTERVIEW: DAVID ELDRIDGE. As his latest play Beginning prepares for a West End transfer, the Romford-born playwright tells Luke Jones about how he came to write the real-time romcom, in which two tentative Londoners inch their way together in the aftermath of a house-warming party. Talking through the mechanics and politics of realism as a dramatic form, they discuss the play’s themes and examine how its empathy fits into Eldridge’s wider work in plays like The Knot of the Heart, In Basildon and Serving It Up – all of which are set in and around London. Recorded at the National Theatre, November 2017.
“If you don’t really take the time to cook a fish finger sandwich, you’re not really honouring the gesture of the play.”