Tony Jayawardena on The Invisible Hand; terrorism and capitalism today
in Actors and Performers, Asian Voices, New Writing
12th June 2016

INTERVIEW: TONY JAYAWARDENA. The actor talks to Suman Bhuchar about playing an Islamic religious leader in The Invisible Hand, a political thriller by Ayad Akhtar, set in rural Pakistan, running at the Tricycle Theatre until July 2. Recorded at the Tricycle, Kilburn, North London on 9-06-2016.
“I didn’t do a great deal of research about the religious side of it, because that is not the important side. We had the writer in the rehearsal room from day one – he often talked about was that, even though it is set in a real country, this was also a metaphor for countries, politics and finance at large… It’s easy to put people into categories – naive, or corrupt, good, bad.. The reality of life is that things are much more nuanced.”