Zoë Wanamaker
5th December 2019

INTERVIEW: ZOE WANAMAKER. Born in New York, Zoë Wanamaker was brought up in the UK where her father, Sam Wanamaker, fled to escape McCarthyism. Known for the detail of her characterisation, for her equal skill in comedy and tragedy, in new writing and the classics, and her deep, smokey voice, Zoë Wanamaker has been nominated for numerous awards here and in the United States and has won two Oliviers. Recorded at the Victoria and Albert Museum, 13 November 2019.
“The great thing about theatre is that you can hear an audience, you can feel an audience, so you have to share it with an audience. And if you can be unaware of every line or word and it just flows out of you – that’s what I call hover-crafting”